Kamis, 02 Desember 2010


Cultures derived from the word 'buddhayah' which means mind, or can also be defined separately by two words 'mind' and 'power' which when combined produce synthesis cog meaning kindness, or using the intellect. When you see the culture of politics in the context of this case concerning the political system adopted by a country with all the elements (the pattern of being and behaving patterns) contained therein.

Attitudes and political behavior one becomes an object marker of political phenomena that will happen to the person and the people who are under political. An example is if someone already familiar with the attitudes and political behavior that is only know to receive, under or give orders without question or provide an opportunity for questioning what is contained Dalan order. Can be expected that people would feel weird, awkward or frustrated when he was in a community of critical, often, even if it does not always, question the wisdom of the decision or something political.

Strategic elite as the holders of power are usually the object of observation of this behavior, because they are usually very determining role despite their political action is not always a moment with the political climate of their environment. Strategic elite consciously usually wear in ways that no democratic society in order menyearahkan toward goals adopted by this group. Democratization deterioration usually happens here, although it may occur advances in several fields such as economics and other fields.

Indonesia's political culture is essentially based on the pattern of attitudes and political behavior that compound. But this is where the problems are usually sourced. Why? Due for the elite who have a high sense of idealism. However, high levels of idealism that is often not based on solid knowledge about the reality of life. While people who live in this reality hit by a wall of a different reality with idealism that is applied by the elite. For example, a head of government who launched the 9-year compulsory education program for improving the quality of education, but on the application many children in basic education dropped out of school for various reasons, such as no cost. This means that idealism is not implicated in real and material involved in the community under political.

Idealism is recognized indeed important. But being over-idealism that would create a narrow ideology that usually will create an attitude and political behavior of selfish and bossy. Democracy is usually capable of being a mediator for the upper path this polemic.

Indonesia itself began to embrace the democratic system since the beginning of independence that sparked her in the Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945. Democracy is considered a suitable system in Indonesia because Indonesia's pluralistic society. Therefore, Democracy is done by consensus agreement seeks to achieve objectivity in various fields which are specifically political. Objective conditions that contribute to creating a conducive climate in the Indonesian government. Nevertheless, the political behavior of humans in Indonesia still has the motifs that make it difficult to apply a pure democracy.

The first pattern found on the strategic elite, namely the tendency to impose their subyektifisme to become objectivism, this kind of attitude usually bear the mental attitude of the authoritarian / totalitarian. The second pattern found in ordinary community members, this style is emotional, primordial. Both cirak is synthesized so as to create a political atmosphere of authoritarian / totalitarian.

So far we already know the differences or gaps between the motifs of political attitudes and behavior that seem applicable in the community with a pattern of political attitudes and behavior desired by the Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945. We know that the Indonesian people today still do not reflect the values of Pancasila in attitude and behavior daily. Tersebutlah fact that we wish to change with the values of Pancasila idealism, to reach people who at least approaching perfection in the context of Pancasila.

The essence of the ideal man must be associated to the concept of "dynamics in the stability". Dynamic sense of the word here means to grow to become better. Suppose for a generation passed a law, it is hoped with the dynamics that exist within these communities can make the Act is flexible and flexible, so that without losing the essence of values that exist, that generation continues to grow. Dynamics and independence of thought are expected to be able to strengthen unity and foster growth.

At issue now is how to make individuals who are in the people of Indonesia to have a characteristic "dynamics in the stability" that the ideal human being desired by Pancasila. So here requires the a process called socialization, socialization Pancasila. This Sosalisasi if running progressive and successful then we will meimplikasikan Pancasila values into the various spheres of life. From planting-planting this value will give birth cultures berideologikan Pancasila. The delivery process will take a long time, so we can not expect instant results of acculturation.

Two factors that enable the success of the process of acculturation of values in oneself that is up to those values embedded in her work well. Both factors are:

1. Emotional psychological, factors originating from the heart
2. Ratio, factors derived from brain
If both factors in a person compatible with the values of Pancasila so when it came to pass that on its own civilizing Pancasila.
Of course, not only those two factors. Another aspect that deserves diperhaikan also in the process of acculturation is a matter of time. Acculturation does not take place instantly in a person but through a process that would require stages that is the introduction of-understanding-assessment-practice-appreciation. This chronological factor lasts is different for each age group.
Removing a habit that has become of the old culture is a serious thing, but it tersebutlah required by the nation of Indonesia. Right now our nation needs a cultural transformation to form a culture that provides ideal characteristics for each individual human being that is characterized as a more Pancasila. Iu transformation requires the stages of understanding and deep appreciation that is contained in the values that require change or renewal. The success or failure of civilizing and with all the process will determine the course of political development adopted by Indonesia in the future.

Source : mgmpips.wordpress.com

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